Cedar Grove High School

Dekalb County Schools


With almost 200 students late to school each day, we are trying diligently to ensure that we aggressively monitor attendance more effectively.  Students who are consistently tardy miss valuable instruction, and missing valuable instruction ultimately impacts students' academic progress.  Thus, please be mindful of the following actions that will be utilized to address tardiness moving forward.  

1.  Any student who arrives to school at 8:30 a.m. or later must be escorted into the building by his or her parent in order to be signed in.  After the third time that a student has to be signed in by a parent, a mandatory conference with the parent and student must take place.

2.  Any student who arrives late to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th period will not be allowed to enter class without a tardy pass.  Each tardy will be tracked, and the school will utilize the guidance outlined in the Dekalb County Code of Conduct to address excessive tardiness to the fullest extent.  

As we strive to ensure that our scholars attend class on time daily, we ask for your full support with this very important goal.  Together, we can make a positive difference in the attendance culture of our school.  

Clifton Spears
Proud Principal of Cedar Grove High School